Contractor Directory

Contact details posted on this notice board are provided for general information purposes only, and should under no circumstances be taken as an endorsement of the contents or practices of those companies/individuals posted.

The North East Forestry Group has no liability for any loss occasioned from the use of information appearing in this list. 

If there is a company/individual that you feel warrants being added to the above list, which will benefit your fellow members, 
please e-mail the Secretary by clicking here, and your suggestion will be put before the North East Forestry Group at the next available meeting.

Input from our Group members is always welcome and very much appreciated.


Contact: Aidan Morgan
Phone: 083 199 9966
Contact: Sean Lenihan
Phone: 0402 37519

Deer Culling/Management

Contact: Sean Rafferty
Contact: Patrick McArdle
Phone: 061 351181

First Thinning, Extraction and Maintenance

Phone: 045 529 574
Contact: Robert Kirwan
Phone: 01 627 0800
Contact: Richard Cassidy
Phone: 087 644 9929

Forest Harvesting

Contact: Mark Hogan
Phone: 0402 26500
Contact: Joe Codd
Phone: 1800 719 399 or 01 621 9406


Contact: Barry Roche, BSc Forestry
Phone: 1800 928 900
Phone: 021 432 2870

Forestry Equipment

Phone: 061 351181

Pesticide Courses and Chainsaw Courses

Contact: Sevanna Anderson (Training Co-ordinator)
Contact: Adrian Smith
Phone: 087 168 8047

Small Scale Harvesting & Extraction and Forestry Related Training

Contact: Andrew McKeever
Phone: 087 667 0519
Contact: Seamus Whelan
Phone: 087 682 7672

Bespoke sawmilling and fencepost peeling and sawing

Contact: Derek McCabe
Phone: 087 6778837

Custom sawmilling and machining for forest owners

Phone: 046 9021240