Ash Dieback

Please click here for reporting, by e-mail, Ash dieback to the Forest Service.  

Include your name and address and your contract number with your e-mail.  Ideally, a photograph of the disease should also be attached to your e-mail.

The disease can also be reported by phoning 01 607 2651.

There is also a very good app which can be used, please click on the following link TreeCheck

The following link is to the Forest Service’s website on the disease:

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) (Forestry Division) has announced details of the new support scheme for plantations impacted by Ash dieback disease, the Reconstitution and Under-planting scheme (RUS scheme) this week:

  • Reconstitution and Under-planting Scheme (RUS)

  • Summary document outlining the options available to Ash plantation owners.

  • New Scheme Document (RUS scheme) which describes the Reconstitution and Under-planting Options open to the Forest Owner.

  • New Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the evaluation of levels of stem damage (with field sheet).

The following three documents provide details of the new scheme and outline the revised approach as follows:

  1. Circular 07 2020 Reconstitution and Underplanting Scheme (RUS) (Ash Dieback) 10062020.pdf

  2. ReconstitutionUnderplantingScheme-FINAL08-05-20.pdf

  3. General Summary Approach and Supports.pdf

Some of the main changes to note are as follows:

  1. DAFM no longer requires a laboratory positive from an Ash plantation in order for the owner to gain access to DAFM support schemes.

  2. Plantations are no longer subject to statutory plant health felling and disposal requirements.  

  3. Applications under the RUS Scheme are exempt from the felling licence requirement.

  4. Applications for the WIS and other schemes require a felling licence.

  5. Applications for Categories 2b and 2c of the RUS Scheme must be field assessed using the new procedure described in the attached SOP.

  6. All applications must be screened for Appropriate Assessment.

  7. Site biosecurity should be observed.

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