Latest News – Autumn 2024

First of all… congratulations to NEFG members Derek McCabe (farm forestry) and Des Drew (production forestry) on winning the RDS Forestry Award in their category.

Schools Project – All participants have received their forest signs and we have recorded the first of two videos, which will be available to all along with a booklet currently being prepared.  We are looking forward to having students visit all of our six participants’ woodlands this autumn.

Coillte Avondale – We will be organising a visit to Avondale House, Wicklow and adjoining treetop walk later this autumn.

Harvesting Evenings – We will be visiting a number of thinning/felling operations in our area being carried out by a number of different harvesting companies.  This will give NEFG members a valuable insight on how different harvesting contractors carry out forestry activities along with members being able to gain knowledge on working on their woodlands.

Irish Agroforestry Forum has published a new Agroforestry booklet which features information on the scheme’s structure, rules, payment information, interactions with other farm supports and tips on planning, design and management.  A downloadable copy is available here:

Latest ARticles

From sustainable practices in agriculture to the untold stories of local biodiversity, our articles provide a glimpse into the ongoing efforts to preserve the natural beauty that defines Ireland.

The Northeast Forestry Group’s 2024 AGM presentation covered the latest forestry initiatives in Ireland, emphasizing sustainability and climate resilience. Key topics included the Climate Action...

First of all… congratulations to NEFG members Derek McCabe (farm forestry) and Des Drew (production forestry) on winning the RDS Forestry Award in their category....